If you find that you’re struggling to stay sober, there is plenty of help available for you! Start the new year out right by taking advantage of it. There are many reasons people struggle to break free of their own misery, which (again) is why support systems and programs are often so critical to addiction recovery.
Remember, you may have severely hurt some people with your behaviors and actions. It would be best to acknowledge that you may have done extensive damage. Some people may not be keen on opening those old wounds, and you need to respect their feelings.
But a good, sober life is NOT automatic (or guaranteed).
(You shouldn’t be drinking anything that resembles alcohol if you’re an alcoholic, even if it’s alcohol-free.) They can be a positive addition to a sober curious lifestyle, though. People who have embraced sober life often report healthier relationships with family members, friends, and loved ones. Getting sober can have a positive impact, directly and indirectly, on the people in your life.
Alcohol is a poison, plugging numerous toxins into your system. When you’re sober though, your skin naturally becomes healthier. Alcohol effectively numbs your feelings and let’s go of your inhibitions.
Your Health Improves
As long as you’re not harming anyone else in the process, introduce habits into your life in a way that you are most likely to stick to them. Make it easy for you to come back again and try it tomorrow. Toward the end of the holidays, I reached out to my mate Paul to ask about breathwork. Because it was the slightest bit hard and required even the smallest amount of patience, I threw tantrums before declaring I just couldn’t do it. I have ADHD, I could never meditate or do mindfulness practices. I’m also a stubborn little asshole who only wants to do things my way.
Find yourself a non-alcoholic drink that feels grownup and a bit of a treat to enjoy at the end of the working day. I wish I could recommend some more obscure brands but, in my opinion, the bigger breweries have been first to perfect booze-free-booze. I have always loved live music but I used to spend at least a third of every gig queueing for the bar or the toilet. At festivals, I would often miss half the acts because I was in a state of drunken disorientation. At Glastonbury 2008 (headliners, Jay-Z and Amy Winehouse), I can’t remember anything after Joan Armatrading at two in the afternoon. Shelley Long serves as Operations Manager for Burning Tree Ranch.